校長的話 Principal Message 11-12-2016 李利中 Brian Lee

對不起! 我們要加學費了! 由於去年財政開始入不敷支,我們的財政人員已提出了多過方案給校董會考慮,在上星期的校董會,我們最後通過了增加學費約13.6%的方案,在2017-2018年度,語文班學費是$375, 文化班$175(成人$210)。自2014-2015年以前,我們三個校園的租金約五萬七千元,到2015-2016,我們簽了三年的新合約,第一年租金升至七萬元,今年2016-2017,租金加至七萬九千元,明年更會增加到約九萬二千元。去年如果沒有BUSD校區委員David Cohen的幫助,我們也要多付三千多元學術比賽課室的租賃費,這也減輕我們的赤字。今年我們學生人數是八百四十七人,較去年下跌約9.2%,今個年度2016-2017,我們預計會虧損約三萬元, 由於我們接納的是一個中等的學費加幅, 我們在下一年度將仍會虧損約一萬一千多元。   我們明白到有些家庭有兩個或以上的孩子就讀博愛, 太大的學費加幅將會對這些家庭造成一個沉重的負擔,這些孩童將不能繼續在博愛讀書了。
I am sorry to announce that BCS will raise the tuition in the coming 2017-2018 due to our financial crisis.  Our finance proposed a few proposals to the board earlier. The board approved the moderate 13.6% tuition increase proposal.  The new tuition for the language class will be $375.  The cultural class for student will be $175 and $210 (adult).  Prior to 2014-2015, our rental fee for three campuses was about $57,000.  Beginning in 2015-2016, we had a new three years contract. The rental fee went up to $70,000 for the first year. Thanks BUSD board member David Cohen for his negotiation with BUSD and added BCS Academic Competition and Spring Performance to our rental agreement.  With David’s help, we saved over $3,000 classroom rental fee for the Academic Competition.  This year 2016-2017, our rental fee is about $79,000.  In 2017-2018, our rental fee will go up to about $92,000.  This year 2016-2017 we have 847 students (dropped 9.2% compare to 2015-2016) and we will estimate a lost about $30,000.  With this moderate tuition increase, we will still predict a lost about $11,600 in 2017-2018.  Most of us did not want to see a big jump on the tuition increase.  We know some families have two or more kids studying at BCS.  A big tuition increase will be a burden to those families and their children may not afford to come to BCS anymore.
園遊會圖片Fall Carnival pictures.