校長的話 Principal Message 11-19-2016 李利中 Brian Lee

一年一度的感恩節(星期四)就快來到了,希望我們在享用感恩節大餐的時候, 不要忘記感謝我們的父母、家人、老師和身邊的好朋友。 當吃過大餐之後,可以和家人或好友外出購物,感受一下感恩節大減價的實況!  感恩節過後,聖誕節也快將來到,請記住我們博愛今年是第二年舉辦食物捐贈的活動,希望各位家長和同學能夠一起的參與,請把捐贈的食物帶到我們的各辦公室內。謝謝!
Thanksgiving is coming (next Thursday). While you are enjoying your Thanksgiving dinner, don’t forget to thanks your parents, family members, teachers and your best friends.  After the dinner, you can go shopping with your family members or your best friends.  You can also view the live scene of the Thanksgiving Sales. Christmas is coming soon after Thanksgiving holiday. Don’t forget this year is our second year for the food drive.  Hope you can participate and please donate your food to one of the three BCS offices.  Thank you!