P.O. Box 32988, San Jose, CA 95152 | Voice Mail (408) 5200-BCS | Email bcs_board@yahoo.com
常見問題 FAQ
What is Berryessa Chinese School (BCS)?
BCS is a parent participation Chinese school. It is a non-profit organization that is managed and operated by parent volunteers.
Which are the entry level language classes?
國語班的入門班級是 (M0)。中文外語班的入門班級是 (CFL0) 。 粵語班的入門班級是 (C0) 。這些入門班級都不需要考跳級考試。The entry level classes are Mandarin 0 (M0), Chinese as a Foreign Language 0 (CFL0), and Cantonese 0 (C0). These classes do not require a placement test.
What are the minimum age requirements for entry level classes?
報讀入門班級,孩子在 12月2日必須年滿五歲。
For entry level classes, the child must be 5 years old by Dec. 2 of the
What kind of Chinese Language Classes does BCS offer?
博愛中文學校為兒童設有三個語文班課程,分別是國語班、 粵語班 和 中文外語 (CFL) 班。
BCS has 3 Chinese Language Program for children: Mandarin (M), Chinese (Mandarin) as Foreign Language (CFL) and Cantonese (C).
What is the difference between Mandarin (M) and Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL) program?
國語班是為在家中說國語的家庭而設的,學生會學到注音符號(ㄅㄆㄇㄈ),到四年級才會教授漢語拼音。 中文外語班是為在家中說英語的家庭而設的,老師會用英語授課,和教授漢語拼音。
The Mandarin program is intended for families who speak Mandarin at home. In this program, the classes are conducted in Mandarin. 注音符號 (ㄅㄆㄇㄈ) will be used. Hanyu pinyin will be taught in the 4th grade.
The CFL program is for families who speak other languages at home. The course is geared towards conversational Mandarin. Classes are conducted in English and use Hanyu pinyin.
What is the Cantonese program?
粤語班是為在家中說廣東話的家庭而設的,學生會學到聽、讀和寫中文。 由四年級開始, 每天會有30分鐘學習國語和教授漢語拼音。
The Cantonese program is for families who speak Cantonese at home. Students will learn to listen, read, and write Chinese. Starting in the 4th grade, 30 minutes of class time is set aside for teaching Mandarin using HanYu pinyin.
Does the school teach traditional or simplified Chinese characters?
BCS teaches the traditional Chinese characters in the Mandarin and Cantonese programs and simplified Chinese characters in the CFL program.
甚麼時候上課? 有沒有小息?
When are the classes held? Is there a recess?
語文班的上課時間是星期六早上9時到11時30分, 中間有20分鐘小息時間。
Language classes are held every Saturday from 9-11:30am (Sept. to early June) with a 20 minute recess. Cultural classes are held from 11:45am – 12:45pm.
Which are the entry level language classes?
國語班的入門班級是幼稚園 (MK)。中文外語班的入門班級是 (CFLK) 。 粵語班的入門班級是幼稚園 (CK) 。這些入門班級都不需要考跳級考試。The entry level classes are Mandarin K (MK), Chinese as a Foreign Language K (CFLK), and Cantonese K (CK). These classes do not require a placement test.
What are the minimum age requirements for entry level classes?
有。報讀幼稚園,孩子在 12月2日必須年滿五歲。 For K classes, the child must be 5 by Dec. 2 of the school year.
When can I register my child for the next school year?
BCS usually have open enrollment in the spring. Please check our website Registration Information page late winter for the date, time and location.
How do I register my child?
報名表格可在以下網址下載 註冊表格.
在公開接受報名期間,填妥表格,打印一份,帶同表格和出生證書或護照或中文學校的成績單(如果要考跳級考試)來到博愛Morrill的辦公室報名。 表格如沒有完全填妥,恕不辦理。
You may register online at OR download forms at Registration Forms page. If you download form, please fill the form out with a PDF reader and print it. Bring the forms, proof of age document (birth certificate or passport) to our office at 1970 Morrill Ave (behind Berryessa Youth Center) during open enrollment or by appointment. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
We missed the open enrollment, can I still register my child?
BCS will continue to accept registration forms during regular BCS school hours at our Morrill campus office unless the class is full or until the second week of school.
My child is fluent in the language and/or has taken some classes. How can the child be placed into a non-entry level class?
博愛中文學校每年都有甄選考試給外來的學生, 只要學生符合最低年齡要求, 家長們可以幫他們報考, 請上博愛註冊表格網頁下載報名表,連同以前中文學校的成績單, 一同送交給我們。
Placement into higher grades requires that the student meet the minimum age requirement, take a placement test, and submit a copy of the latest report card from the previous language school. Please sign up online, or download and fill out the Placement Test Form from the Registration Forms page along with the registration form.
When is the placement test?
BCS offers placement test twice a year for non-BCS students: mid spring and late August. Please check our Registration Information page for the next placement test date, time and location in early spring and early August.
What is on the placement test?
每一個語文班都有自己的考試內容,主要是考同學對該語文班的認知程度包括認字,閱讀和寫作, 從而決定該同學能否升讀該班級。舉例: 報考國語班的同學必須認識什麼是注音。 報考中文外語班的同學將有會話考試。
Each language program will test the students on their knowledge of Chinese that is required for a particular grade. This is to determine which grade is best suited for the student. It includes but not limited to word recognition, reading, and writing Chinese. For native Mandarin classes, the student is also expected to know 注音. For CFL classes, there will be an oral exam given by a teacher.