校長的話 十一月十八日 李利中

下星期四是一年一度的感恩節,同學們又有一星期的長假期了,在放假期間我們也要常存感恩的心,感謝對我們關懷的每一個人,當我們享受感恩節大餐的時候,我們也要學習如何關懷身邊的人。在十二月份,我們繼續舉辦食物捐贈活動,讓更多的人能在聖誕佳節中吃得温飽,不要捱餓。今年是博愛第三年舉辦食物捐贈活動,希望各位家長和同學能夠一同的參與,請把捐贈的食物帶到我們各辦公室內。 謝謝!最後,祝大家感恩節快樂!
Thanksgiving is coming (next Thursday). Students will have a week off.  During your time off, you can learn how to care for other people with your heart.  Thanks the ones who have been taking care of you. While you are enjoying your Thanksgiving dinner, you can learn how to take care of the people who are around you.  Christmas is coming soon after Thanksgiving holiday. BCS continues to have a food drive in December.  We want to help more people by donating food to the local food bank.  This year is our third year to run the food drive.  Hope you can participate and please donate your food to one of the three BCS offices.  Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving!
Day school has no school next week and we are the last group to use the classroom.  Please keep clean of the classroom!  Thanks for your co-operation!