校長的話 十二月二日 李利中


校長的話 十一月十八日 李利中

下星期四是一年一度的感恩節,同學們又有一星期的長假期了,在放假期間我們也要常存感恩的心,感謝對我們關懷的每一個人,當我們享受感恩節大餐的時候,我們也要學習如何關懷身邊的人。在十二月份,我們繼續舉辦食物捐贈活動,讓更多的人能在聖誕佳節中吃得温飽,不要捱餓。今年是博愛第三年舉辦食物捐贈活動,希望各位家長和同學能夠一同的參與,請把捐贈的食物帶到我們各辦公室內。 謝謝!最後,祝大家感恩節快樂!
Thanksgiving is coming (next Thursday). Students will have a week off.  During your time off, you can learn how to care for other people with your heart.  Thanks the ones who have been taking care of you. While you are enjoying your Thanksgiving dinner, you can learn how to take care of the people who are around you.  Christmas is coming soon after Thanksgiving holiday. BCS continues to have a food drive in December.  We want to help more people by donating food to the local food bank.  This year is our third year to run the food drive.  Hope you can participate and please donate your food to one of the three BCS offices.  Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving!
Day school has no school next week and we are the last group to use the classroom.  Please keep clean of the classroom!  Thanks for your co-operation!

校長的話 十一月十一日 李利中

下星期六(十一月十八日)就是學術比賽的截止日期,如果仍未為孩子選擇好比賽項目,可以瀏覽博愛網頁www.bcs-usa.org/AC 參考去年的題目和觀看去年的得奬作品www.bcs-usa.org/album 。我們作為家長是應該給予孩子們參加比賽的機會,籍此讓孩子們認識比賽的重要性,不管是勝利或是落敗,我們都應該以積極和正面的方法來教道孩子們,使他們在成長中學習,要有不氣餒的精神,日後必成大器。
秋季園遊會照片Fall Carnival pictures link

校長的話 十一月四日 李利中

在上星期六舉行的園遊會十分成功,多謝大家蒞臨参加,來賓方面有BUSD Superintendent Dr. Fuentes and BUSD board member Hugo Jimenez和家人和北加州中文學校聯合會會長施光庭。
今次園遊會的成功,十分多謝各位老師、家長和同學們的支持。特別感謝博愛的活動組Jesse和他的團隊,還有前活動組主任Alan Ha, 他們清晨便要到貨倉拿取音響設備和一切所須的用品和幫助佈置塲地,更多謝各位義工家長們的協助,從開始佈置到完結後的塲地清潔,他們都義不容辭的幫忙,真值得我向他們敬禮!還有要多謝指揮交通和泊車的家長義工們,他們為駕駛者提供了一個交通暢順的環境,減少意外的發生。如果您和家人錯過了今次的園遊會,下次一定不要錯過吧!
秋季園遊會照片Fall Carnival pictures link

校長的話 十月二十八日 李利中

秋季園遊會將於今日10月28日中午十二時在Sierramont校區內舉行,請陪同您的家人前來參加,我們設有很多美食攤位,還設有一些攤位遊戲給孩子和成人挑戰及贏取獎品 ,我們還有抽獎活動! 每一位老師和校董將免費獲得抽獎券一張。特別鳴謝Central Computers  (www.centralcomputers.com) 送出超過四十多份的禮物給我們抽獎,禮品有Selfie sticks, Bluetooth speakers, USB Flex lights, car phone holders and external USB hard drives。您和您的家人將會有一個歡樂和難忘的星期六!
Fall carnival takes place at Sierramont campus at noon today (10/28).  Please come with your whole family.  We have different type of food booths.  We have game booths for children or adult to play and get prize.  We also have raffle activity.  Every teacher and board member will receive one free raffle ticket.  Special thanks to Central Computers (www.centralcomputers.com) for donating more than 40 prizes for the raffling. You and your family will have a happy and unforgettable afternoon!
萬聖節快樂! Happy Halloween!

校長的話 十月二十一日 李利中

秋季園遊會將於10月28日中午十二時在Sierramont校區內舉行,如果這是您的第一年在博愛中文學校,請前來參加賜教,請不要忘記給您的王子和公主穿上他們喜愛的萬聖節服飾和參加萬聖節服飾比賽,我們還設有一些攤位遊戲給孩子和成人挑戰及贏取獎品 ,我們還有抽獎活動! 每一位老師和校董將免費獲得抽獎券一張。今年特別鳴謝Central Computers (www.centralcomputers.com) 送出超過四十多份的禮物給我們抽獎,禮品有Selfie sticks, Bluetooth speakers, USB Flex lights, car phone holders and external USB hard drives。 有些課室將會擺設攤位售賣一些美食和飲品,您和您的家人將會有一個愉快的星期六!
Fall carnival will take place at Sierramont campus at noon on 10/28.  If this is your first year at BCS, please stop by Sierramont middle school after school.  Don’t forget to dress up your prince & princess with his/her favorite costume and participate our costume contest.  We have game booths for children or adult to play and get prize.  We also have raffle activity.  Every teacher and board member will receive one free raffle ticket.  Special thanks to Central Computers (www.centralcomputers.com) for donating more than 40 prices for the raffling. Some classes will have booths to sell delicious food and drink.  You and your family will have a great time!

校長的話 十月十四日 李利中

由於受到北加州山火的影響,灣區空氣質素持續變差, 今個星期六的防火演習將會取消直至另行通告為止。多謝各位!
Due to the very active wildfires in the North Bay and continued changing wind patterns, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District has extended a health advisory. BCS postpone the fire drill this Saturday ( 10/14/2017 ) until further notice.
We received a complaint from Morrill day school saying someone entered and stayed in a classroom that has no lesson during our school hours last Saturday. This is strictly prohibited by day school and we must reinforce that on Morrill campus as well as the other two campuses.  Please do not stay in any classroom that has no lesson because we do not have permission to use that. Thanks for your co-operation!

校長的話 十月七日 李利中

十月二十八日是博愛的園遊會,您們的班有沒有申請擺攤位呀?未登記的教室,請到各辦公室填表和繳交$10登記費,校外商家收費$30,截止日期是10/14日。 今年特別鳴謝Central Computers (www.centralcomputers.com) 送出超過四十多份的禮物給我們抽獎,禮品有Selfie sticks, Bluetooth speakers, USB Flex lights, car phone holders and external USB hard drives.  Mark your calendar 10/28 Fall Carnival
BCS is a non-profit organization and we need your support.
如有任何問題/意見,請電郵至 bcs_board@yahoo.com.

校長的話 九月三十日 李利中

農曆八月十五 (10-4-17)是中秋佳節,是中國人一家團聚的大日子,家家户户都會吃月餅和觀賞又大又圓的月光。在亞洲的地方,孩子們都會拿着燈籠走來走去,十分開心!您喜愛怎麼樣的燈籠呢?
中秋節快樂!   Happy Moon Festival! 
日期和時間 (Date & Time): 9-30-17  9:30-10:30am
Morrill 家長會議 Parent Meeting
地點 (Location): Morrill library
Sierramont家長會議 parent meeting (秋季園遊會家長會議 Fall Carnival)
地點 (Location): Sierramont library
Piedmont 家長會議 parent meeting (學術常識問答比賽Academic Competition)
地點 (Location): Piedmont library
BCS is a non-profit organization and we need your support.
如有任何問題/意見,請電郵至 bcs_board@yahoo.com.

校長的話 9-23-2017 李利中

博愛已經踏入第三週了,多謝校董們在上兩個星期的幫忙,辦理語文班和文化班的加、退、轉班和退費手續,如有任何問題,請聯絡我們。 還有一個多月便是我們一年一度的秋季園遊會,希望各班的老師可以擺一個攤位(擺賣一些食物或玩玩遊戲)或是由老師帶領同學表演,多謝合作!