校長的話 Principal Message 1-28-2017 Brian Lee

今天1月28日 是中國的大年初一,本人代表博愛中文學校恭祝大家身體健康! 萬事如意! 心想事成!  祝大家雞年行大運!
在上星期六我們的學術比賽終於完滿結束,恭喜所有得獎的同學,未能獲獎的同學請不要氣餒,明年要再接再厲,終有一天會成功的。 感謝所有老師們的支持,特別感謝劉老師和學術比賽小組日以繼夜的籌備這個學術比賽 , 最後我們都能順利完成所有賽事。得獎的同學們將會代表我們學校出席3月26日北加州中文學校聯合會所舉辦的學術比賽 (地點: Palo  Alto市的Jane  Lathrop  Stanford  (JLS)  Middle  School)和其他中文學校的同學們一較高下,我們一定要為這些同學們打氣喔!
Today 1/28 is the first day of Chinese New Year.  BCS wish you & your family have a healthy year and all your wishes come true.  We finally finished our Academic Competition last Saturday.  Congratulations to all winners.   Thanks teachers for supporting this event. Specially thanks teacher Liu and the AC team worked days & nights to prepare the AC event. Winner will represent BCS to attend the ANCCS AC on 3/26 at Jane Lathrop Stanford Middle School in Palo Alto). We sure will support our students!

校長的話 Principal Message 1-7-2017 李利中

Happy New Year! I wish you all good health! BCS will have an Academic Competition on the following two Saturdays (1/14 & 1/21).  Winners will represent BCS in the ANCCS academic competition, competing with students from other Chinese schools.
我們籌集得到一百三十五磅的食物,感謝各位家長和同學的支持, 謝謝!
2016 BCS Food Drive – we collected 135 pounds food from our three campuses. Thanks!

校長的話 Principal Message 12-10-2016 李利中 Brian Lee

Last chance to attend the tea seminar at 10am today.
又到聖誕! 又到聖誕! 很快聖誕節又來到了,在這個普天同慶的大日子,我謹代表博愛中文學校 ,祝願所有老師、家長和學生們有一個歡欣愉快的聖誕佳節。
Christmas is coming!  I wish all teachers, parents & students a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
每個學生和老師都應該拿到一個麥當勞2017年月曆。 多謝北加州中文學校聯合會聯絡麥當勞為我們提供免費2017年月曆! 如果您沒有收到麥當勞2017的月曆,請向我們的辦公室助理詢問。
Every student & teacher should have received one 2017 calendar from McDonald’s. Thanks ANCCS for asking McDonald’s to give us free 2017 calendars!  If you have not received a McDonald’s 2017 calendar, please kindly ask our office assistant for one.
ANCCS has a Chinese New Year poster contest – The year of the Rooster. You can come to Morrill office to register (registration fee $5) and will get a poster card. The deadline is January 15, 2017.
祝大家聖誕和新年快樂! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

校長的話 Principal Message 12-3-2016 李利中 Brian Lee

什麼是紅茶?什麼是綠茶? 茶葉有多少種類?什麼是紫砂茶壺?如果您都有點猶豫的回答以上問題,我就建議您前來參加我們所舉辦的茶道講座。今個星期六和下個星期六我們邀請到黄楷棋老師來到Piedmont的圖書館,為我們舉辦一個茶道講座。黃老師會和我們分享茶道的心得,他還會帶備不同種類的茶給我們品嚐,有興趣的家長、老師和同學們,可以在指定的時間前來參加,到時一定獲益良多。
聖誕節快將來到,今年是博愛第二年舉辦食物捐贈活動,希望各位家長和同學能夠一同的參與,請把捐贈的食物帶到我們各辦公室內。 謝謝!
Christmas is coming soon. Don’t forget that this year is our second year holding a food drive.  Hope you can participate and donate your food to one of the three BCS offices.  Thank you!
在十二月,每個學生和老師都會免費得到一個麥當勞2017年月曆。 多謝北加州中文學校聯合會聯絡麥當勞為我們提供免費2017年月曆!
In December, every student & teacher will get one 2017 calendar from McDonald. Thanks ANCCS for asking McDonald to give us free 2017 Calendar!

校長的話 Principal Message 11-19-2016 李利中 Brian Lee

一年一度的感恩節(星期四)就快來到了,希望我們在享用感恩節大餐的時候, 不要忘記感謝我們的父母、家人、老師和身邊的好朋友。 當吃過大餐之後,可以和家人或好友外出購物,感受一下感恩節大減價的實況!  感恩節過後,聖誕節也快將來到,請記住我們博愛今年是第二年舉辦食物捐贈的活動,希望各位家長和同學能夠一起的參與,請把捐贈的食物帶到我們的各辦公室內。謝謝!
Thanksgiving is coming (next Thursday). While you are enjoying your Thanksgiving dinner, don’t forget to thanks your parents, family members, teachers and your best friends.  After the dinner, you can go shopping with your family members or your best friends.  You can also view the live scene of the Thanksgiving Sales. Christmas is coming soon after Thanksgiving holiday. Don’t forget this year is our second year for the food drive.  Hope you can participate and please donate your food to one of the three BCS offices.  Thank you!

校長的話 11-5-2016 李利中

上星期六的園遊會並沒有下雨,真是天公做美,所有表演節目都能夠順利舉行。首先多謝我們中國樂器演奏班的李浩勤老師和她的學生為我們演奏多首的中國名曲,聽得我們如痴如醉,接著是粵語班的老師們為我們獻唱兩首廣東歌,分別是「萬水千山總是情」和「世界真細小」,當唱到「世界真細小」的時候,在場的家長和小朋友都十分之投入和開心,一齊跟著的唱和拍手,塲面十分之動人! 多謝Fremont中文學校的陳麗玲老師帶領她們的學生來為我們表演扯鈴,看到我們目不轉睛,拍案叫絕。 很多美食攤位都迫得人山人海,老師們的手工藝攤位也坐滿了學生和家長,我們博愛的遊戲攤位也吸引了不少的同學呢! 我們的抽獎活動,送出很多精美的禮品,特別鳴謝Central Computers送出多款禮物給我們。我們今次有十位學生義工幫忙我們管理遊戲攤位、售賣抽獎券和和協助處理其他的工作,這些經驗對他們都是很實用的。 到萬聖節服裝比賽的時候,我看到有很多參賽者,他們的服裝相當特別和吸引,叫我也很難找出前三名的優勝者。 歡迎我們的貴賓:BUSD的校區委員David Cohen 和 Richard Claspill,北加州中文學校聯合會 會長鍾瑪莉和全美中文學校聯合總會會長陳安東(我們博愛的前校長)。感謝他們費盡腦汁為我們選出萬聖節服裝比賽的頭三名得勝者。希望您們都有一個愉快又難忘的下午! 特別感謝Jesse, Peter, Robin, Christina, Brenda, Anna, Wayne, Andrew, Huong, Alan, Ken, May, Richard, Con, Matthew, KJ, Rita, Tony, 老師們, student volunteers和家長義工。
園遊會圖片Fall Carnival pictures.

校長的話 Principal Message 11-12-2016 李利中 Brian Lee

對不起! 我們要加學費了! 由於去年財政開始入不敷支,我們的財政人員已提出了多過方案給校董會考慮,在上星期的校董會,我們最後通過了增加學費約13.6%的方案,在2017-2018年度,語文班學費是$375, 文化班$175(成人$210)。自2014-2015年以前,我們三個校園的租金約五萬七千元,到2015-2016,我們簽了三年的新合約,第一年租金升至七萬元,今年2016-2017,租金加至七萬九千元,明年更會增加到約九萬二千元。去年如果沒有BUSD校區委員David Cohen的幫助,我們也要多付三千多元學術比賽課室的租賃費,這也減輕我們的赤字。今年我們學生人數是八百四十七人,較去年下跌約9.2%,今個年度2016-2017,我們預計會虧損約三萬元, 由於我們接納的是一個中等的學費加幅, 我們在下一年度將仍會虧損約一萬一千多元。   我們明白到有些家庭有兩個或以上的孩子就讀博愛, 太大的學費加幅將會對這些家庭造成一個沉重的負擔,這些孩童將不能繼續在博愛讀書了。
I am sorry to announce that BCS will raise the tuition in the coming 2017-2018 due to our financial crisis.  Our finance proposed a few proposals to the board earlier. The board approved the moderate 13.6% tuition increase proposal.  The new tuition for the language class will be $375.  The cultural class for student will be $175 and $210 (adult).  Prior to 2014-2015, our rental fee for three campuses was about $57,000.  Beginning in 2015-2016, we had a new three years contract. The rental fee went up to $70,000 for the first year. Thanks BUSD board member David Cohen for his negotiation with BUSD and added BCS Academic Competition and Spring Performance to our rental agreement.  With David’s help, we saved over $3,000 classroom rental fee for the Academic Competition.  This year 2016-2017, our rental fee is about $79,000.  In 2017-2018, our rental fee will go up to about $92,000.  This year 2016-2017 we have 847 students (dropped 9.2% compare to 2015-2016) and we will estimate a lost about $30,000.  With this moderate tuition increase, we will still predict a lost about $11,600 in 2017-2018.  Most of us did not want to see a big jump on the tuition increase.  We know some families have two or more kids studying at BCS.  A big tuition increase will be a burden to those families and their children may not afford to come to BCS anymore.
園遊會圖片Fall Carnival pictures.

校長的話 Principal Message 10-29-2016 李利中 Brian Lee

秋季園遊會將於今日中午12時在Sierramont校區內舉行,請陪同您 的家人前來參加,我們設有很多美食攤位,有國語M10班教授製作揑麵 人,有文化種子老師們來教導製作風箏和獅頭,還有一些遊戲攤位,考 考您的技術,更有精彩的中樂表演、粤語班老師們唱歌、萬聖節服飾比 賽和抽獎活動等等。我們還有一些中文書籍、錄音帶和CD給家長免費 取閱,先到先得。如果您來到我們的詢問處(登記姓名和教室),並展示 您剛剛在博愛的臉書或Yelp發佈園遊會的訊息,我們就會給您一張抽獎 券。每人只限一張免費的抽獎券。 Fall carnival takes place at Sierramont campus at 12pm today. Please come with your family. We have diff erent types of food booths. M10 class will teach us how to make dough fi gurine sculpture. Some teachers will teach us how to make kite & lion’s head. We have game booths for kids to play. BCS Chinese Instrument team will perform and Cantonese teachers will sing a few songs. We have Halloween costume contest and please encourage your kid/s to participate. We also have raffl e drawing. We are giving away some Chinese books, tapes & CDs for parents while supplies last. Come to our information booth (sign in with your name & class) and show us you made a post to the BCS Facebook or Yelp page will receive a free raffl e ticket. One free raffl e ticket per person.