校長的話                     12月5日                    李利中

聖誕節很快又來到了,我們將會舉辦兩天 (12/5 和 12/12) 的食物捐贈活動,希望各位家長和同學們能夠積極的參與,請把捐贈的食物交到我們的各辦公室內 (9 a.m. – 11:45 a.m) ,我們會在12月12日 集齊三個校區所收集的食物,交到附近的食物銀行去, 希望在這個聖誕節,我們能夠幫助一些有需要幫助的人,施比受更為有福!
BCS Food Drive (12/5 & 12/12)
Time: 9-11:45 a.m. (Three BCS offices)
We will collect all donation on 12/12 and donate to a local food bank.
Please consider the following food items for donation. (No packaged in glass please)

  • Meals in a can (stew, chili, soup)
  • Tuna and canned meat
  • Peanut butter
  • Low-sugar cereals
  • Canned fruit packed in juice
  • Canned vegetables

If everyone donates a can, we will have more than 940 canned food to donate to a local food bank.