校長的話 3月5日 李利中

慧智文教基金會目前正在籌集120箱的英文(K – 6th grade)圖書,寄給台灣新北市各中小學的圖書館,讓想要學習英文的學生有更多的資源可用,希望各位博愛家長和學生能盡力幫忙,圖書可以在3/5, 3/12和3/19日,交到各博愛辦公室(我們再轉交)或以下地址:
星期一至星期五 Mon – Fri (9:30am – 4:30pm)  慧智文教基金會Wisdom office
44599  S. Grimmer Blvd., Fremont,  CA 94538
Tel: 510-252-9226
Email: rachel@wceo.org (Rachel)
Wisdom Culture & Education Organization would like to collect 120 boxes of children books and ship them to Taiwan where English books are expensive.  Please help us to collect children books (from K to 6th grade).  You can drop off books at one of our three BCS offices or the above address.  We will deliver all books for you.