校長的話 Principal Message 2/17/2018 李利中 Brian Lee

恭喜發財! 昨天(二月十六日)是農曆的大年初一,也是年的開始,我謹代表博愛中文學校祝大家萬事如意!身體健康!學業進步!
上星期六是博愛的學術比賽頒獎典禮,我們分別在三個校區舉行,在Morrill校區,我們有農曆新年慶祝活動,蒞臨的貴賓有District 25th Assemblymember Kanseng Chu朱感生伉儷、Fremont市長Lily Mei (高敘加)、博愛前校長Tony Chen、Oliver Wan和Robin Wang、Berryessa Superintendent Dr. Roxane Fuentes、BUSD board members Thelma Boac、David Cohen & Richard Claspill、金山灣區華僑文教服務中心 (Milpitas)主任閻樹榮、北加州中文學校聯合會會長施光庭和副會長奚藻勳前來和我們共慶歡樂,如果想觀看活動照片,
請瀏覽 https://www.bcs-usa.org/album/
Kung Hei Fat Choi! Yesterday (February 16) was the first day of the Lunar Chinese New Year and the beginning of the Year of the Dog. BCS wish you all the best! Healthy body! Academic progress!
Last Saturday BCS had an academic competition award ceremony & Lunar Chinese New Year celebration at Morrill. Thanks VIPs (District 25th Assemblymember Kanseng Chu and his wife, Fremont mayor Lily Mei, BCS past principals Tony Chen, Oliver Wan & Robin Wang, Berryessa Superintendent Dr. Roxane Fuentes, BUSD board members Thelma Boac, David Cohen & Richard Claspill, Culture Center of T.E.C.O (Milpitas) Director Roy Yen, ANCCS president Guang Ting Shih and vice-president James Hsi). Check out our web site https://bcs-usa.org/album for more pictures.
BCS is having a booth at Children’s Discovery Museum (admission fee is $15) next Sunday (2/18) from noon to 4pm.  The Museum is located at 180 Woz Way, San Jose CA 95110. Direction can be found on our website:www.cdm.org
我們明天(星期日二月十八日中午十二時至下午四時)會在Children’s Discovery Museum有一個校外活動,有時間請前來參觀,入塲費每位十五元, 網站www.cdm.org