2018-2019 School starts on 9/8 

《學童文化班》圍棋班 Sierramont ,歡迎舊雨新知報名,八歲以上學童。

<Children Cultural> Chinese Go Game (Sierramont) welcomes returning and new students, for 8 years older.
葉濟菡老師帶著愉快的笑容和耐心,在課堂中引導學童對圍棋的興趣和信心,操著流利的國語和英語,傳達對圍棋文化的熱情。秉著對圍棋的高段學識和國內外比賽經驗,在2018年7月份時比賽中成為首位連續六次獲得北美洲 Redmond Cup 青少年組冠軍,在2016年日本舉辦的世界級比賽取得青少年組的第三名。
Chinese Go Game is more than a class to introduce one of Chinese cultures. It is to teach how to use black and white stones to attack, defend, and calculate within 19×19 grid board. Parents are welcome to stay in class to learn the skills from Teacher.
Teacher Aaron Ye has gained popularity among the pupils in the past school year. With strong passion and deep knowledge in Chinese Go Game, he has led his students into higher interest and better understanding in the techniques of Go Game. Aaron in July of 2018 won North American Redmond Cup senior division champion, which has made him as the 1st American Go player who had won the title 6th times. Don’t forget to mention that, in 2016 World Youth Goe Championships, he won the 3rd place.
《學童文化班》珠心算班 Morrill ,六歲以上學童。
<Children Cultural> Mental Arithmetic and Abacus (Morrill), for 6 years older.
Practicing abacus is required to begin learning, at the end of school, the students will be able to do simple math without the use of abacus.
Jacob Choi, started off as a BCS student in mental arithmetic and abacus class. For the past 10 plus years, he still continued in learning and practice. He has earned numerous awards through participating regional and international competitions. He volunteered as a teaching assistant under our popular teacher Elisa Ta for 2 years and took over the teaching position in the School Year 2016-17. We welcome Jacob for re-joining BCS Cultural faculty.
BCS children cultural classes are for BCS language class students only.
9/8 and 9/15 in Piedmont MPR 開放免費試學 FREE TRYOUT SESSIONS
輕快舞蹈,鬆軟筋骨,活力瑜珈 。舊雨新知,歡迎參加,盡早報名。