Principal’s Message 12/17/2021 Leo Fu, 校長的話 – 傅其俊

學術比賽是博愛一年一度的重要活動,感謝所有老師和義工們為學術比賽作籌備。學術比賽是學生們一展所長的最佳機會,第一名優勝者有機會代表博愛參加 2022 年 3 月舉行的北加州中文學校聯合會學術比賽。本週六 12/18 是比賽報名截止日期,請鼓勵學生踴躍參加。
2021年即將結束,藉此機會感謝學校每一位成員。 博愛是非營利組織,很高興看到義工們積極投入寶貴的時間來協助經營。過去一年半,受到 Covid-19 疫情影響,遇到很多前所未有的事情,而特別有挑戰性。衷心感謝您們的幫助和支持,讓我們在這個艱難時期,繼續為學生提供中文學習。感謝博愛的教師團隊,感激他們教授中文的熱情和奉獻精神。
Academic competition (AC) is one of the big events we have at BCS. Thank you to all the teachers and volunteers for their efforts in preparing the AC event. AC is a great opportunity for our students to apply and demonstrate what they have learned. The winners will have the opportunity to represent BCS in the ANCCS academic competition in March 2022. This Saturday 12/18 is the registration deadline for the AC contest. Please encourage our students to participate.
As we come close to the end of 2021, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in the school. BCS is a non-profit organization, and I am grateful to see our volunteers putting in their precious time to run the school. This last year and a half was particularly challenging due to the Covid-19 pandemic; we are operating the school in a way that has never been done before. Thank you for all your help and support. We are able to continue providing Chinese language and culture studies to our students during these tough times. Thank you to all our teachers; I truly appreciate your passion and dedication for teaching Chinese to our students.
Have a wonderful and safe break and look forward to seeing you in the New Year!