Principal’s Message 8/22/2022 Leo Fu, 校長的話 – 傅其俊


暑假又差不多完結,很快中文學校又即將開學了。歡迎回到博愛 2022-2023 學年。



我代表博愛歡迎所有的舊生和新加入的學生和家長們,十分感謝你們對博愛的信任和支持! 我們會竭盡所能,盡心丶盡意 和盡力的做到更好。

今年博愛中文學校的開課日期為九月十日星期六,希望大家都能收拾心情來迎接新一年的挑戰, 就讓我們一同努力吧!

在這個新的學年,博愛中文學校會有一些新的做法和改變,祈盼家長和學生們一如既往的全力支持。 以下附上新學年度開學須知及細節,教務和註冊組通訊等,敬請各位新舊生及家長務必詳細閱讀。

有關其他資訊,請大家瀏覽博愛網頁(。 如有疑問,請電郵至bcs_board@yahoo.com查詢。



Dear Berryessa Chinese School Families,

Welcome back to BCS school year 2022-2023.  

After more than two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, as life slowly returned to normal, and the day school has been open for more than a year, the board of directors has decided that BCS will resume in-person learning this school year.  Safety of our students, parents, and teachers are our utmost priority.  I would like to thank the school volunteers for their hard work through the summer in preparing for the return to school, formulating safety guidelines, preparing school cleaning supplies and purchasing personal protective equipment. 

BCS is a non-profit organization and we are thankful, especially for our enthusiastic parent volunteers and hardworking teachers. Without their contributions, BCS would not have had such an esteemed reputation. 

On behalf of BCS, I warmly welcome you all back and those who have just joined the BCS family this school year. Thanks for your trust and your support! We will continue to do our best and to be the best for you and your children.

For this school year (2022-2023), the first day of school is on September 10th (Saturday). I hope we are all ready to accept new challenges. We can do it together!  

This school year, BCS has made some changes and hope to have your full support and cooperation. The enclosed package includes important information from registration and curriculum departments. Please read them carefully before school starts.

You can visit our website at for more information. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at

I wish you all a successful and wonderful school year!

Yours sincerely,

Leo Fu
Principal, Berryessa Chinese School
August 22, 2022

Principal’s Message 03/06/2022 Leo Fu, 校長的話 – 傅其俊

加州的新型肺炎病例和住院人數繼續下降。加州已宣布自 2022 年 3 月 1 日起取消室內強制戴口罩規定。無論有沒有接種疫苗,州政府都只是強烈建議在室內環境中使用口罩。 2022 年 3 月 11 日之後,K-12年級在學校內戴口罩的要求也將被取消。但是,每個縣和學區可以根據自己的情況設定合適的口罩要求。這當然是個好消息,這說明疫情將會成為過去, 社會亦正朝著回復正常生活的方向走去。

博愛中文學校(BCS) 將繼續留意 加州、縣和學區的引用,以調整我們的防疫策略。校方並將製定安全規則,以確保我們的學生、教師和工作人員安全的重返校園。學校董事會將努力在下一個學年全面重開校園作面授課程。

三月也標誌著我們 2022-23 學年招生的開始,本週六 3/5/22 是舊生註冊的截止日期。我們將在 2022 年 3 月 19 日上午 9:30 舉行網上新生入學研討會,新生註冊亦隨之接受申請。

Online Open Enrollment Poster Link 博愛中文學校招生海報 鏈接

COVID-19 cases and hospitalization continue to decline across the state. California has announced the lifting of the indoor mask mandate as of 3/1/2022. Mask is highly recommended in indoor settings regardless of the vaccination status.  After 3/11/2022, universal masking requirements will also be removed in K-12 schools.  However, each county and school district can set their own mask requirement based on their own situation.  This is certainly good news, as we are about to move from the pandemic phase and into the endemic phase.

Berryessa Chinese School (BCS) will continue monitoring the guidelines given by the state, the county and the school district to adjust our pandemic strategy. BCS will put in place all the safety protocols to ensure the safe return of our students, teachers and staff.  Our school board will work hard towards a full reopening of the campus for in-person learning in the upcoming school year.

March marks the beginning of our 2022-23 enrollment. This Saturday 3/5/22 is the deadline for returning student registration.  We will have a new student enrollment seminar on 3/19/22 9:30 AM. New student enrollment will start right after.

BCS is committed to teaching and promoting Chinese language and culture to our next generation in the bay area. We can’t do it without the help of our teachers, our parents and volunteers.  All of you can help in promoting our school by liking or following the BCS Facebook page.  If you know friends or someone who is looking for a weekend Chinese school, you can send them the link below:
Online Open Enrollment Poster Link 博愛中文學校招生海報 鏈接

Principal’s Message 12/17/2021 Leo Fu, 校長的話 – 傅其俊

學術比賽是博愛一年一度的重要活動,感謝所有老師和義工們為學術比賽作籌備。學術比賽是學生們一展所長的最佳機會,第一名優勝者有機會代表博愛參加 2022 年 3 月舉行的北加州中文學校聯合會學術比賽。本週六 12/18 是比賽報名截止日期,請鼓勵學生踴躍參加。
2021年即將結束,藉此機會感謝學校每一位成員。 博愛是非營利組織,很高興看到義工們積極投入寶貴的時間來協助經營。過去一年半,受到 Covid-19 疫情影響,遇到很多前所未有的事情,而特別有挑戰性。衷心感謝您們的幫助和支持,讓我們在這個艱難時期,繼續為學生提供中文學習。感謝博愛的教師團隊,感激他們教授中文的熱情和奉獻精神。
Academic competition (AC) is one of the big events we have at BCS. Thank you to all the teachers and volunteers for their efforts in preparing the AC event. AC is a great opportunity for our students to apply and demonstrate what they have learned. The winners will have the opportunity to represent BCS in the ANCCS academic competition in March 2022. This Saturday 12/18 is the registration deadline for the AC contest. Please encourage our students to participate.
As we come close to the end of 2021, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in the school. BCS is a non-profit organization, and I am grateful to see our volunteers putting in their precious time to run the school. This last year and a half was particularly challenging due to the Covid-19 pandemic; we are operating the school in a way that has never been done before. Thank you for all your help and support. We are able to continue providing Chinese language and culture studies to our students during these tough times. Thank you to all our teachers; I truly appreciate your passion and dedication for teaching Chinese to our students.
Have a wonderful and safe break and look forward to seeing you in the New Year!

Principal’s Message 8/23/21 Leo Fu

Dear Berryessa Chinese School Families,

Welcome back to BCS school year 2021-2022.  The COVID-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges to BCS.  Over the summer, the school has been closely monitoring the pandemic development.  With the surge of the delta variant cases in Santa Clara county and the majority  of our students not yet eligible for vaccination, it is still unclear when this current wave of pandemic will be behind us.  The health and safety of our students, parents and teachers are our top priorities.  The school board decided to extend the distance learning through the first semester of this school year.  Our target is to resume face-to-face teaching in the 2nd semester if it is safe for us to do so.

BCS is a non-profit organization and we are thankful, especially for our enthusiastic parent volunteers and hardworking teachers. Without their contributions, BCS would not have had such an esteemed reputation.

On behalf of BCS, I warmly welcome you all back and those who have just joined the BCS family this school year. Thanks for your trust and your support! We will continue to do our best and to be the best for you and your children.

For this school year (2021-2022), the first day of school is on September 11th (Saturday). I hope we are all ready to accept new challenges. We can do it together!

This school year, BCS has made some changes and hope to have your full support and cooperation. The enclosed package includes important information from registration and curriculum departments. Please read them carefully before school starts. School will send textbooks distribution arrangements in the following days.

You can visit our website at for more information. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at

Wishing all of you a pleasant and successful school year!

Yours sincerely,

Leo Fu
Principal, Berryessa Chinese School
August 23, 2021

校長的話 8/23/2021 傅其俊


歡迎回到博愛 2021-2022 學年。 新冠病毒疫情博愛中文學校帶來了前所未有的挑戰。 整個夏天,學校一直在密切關注疫情的發展,但是,隨著聖克拉拉縣Delta變異病毒病例的激增和年大多數本校學生尚未獲得疫苗接種資格下,目前尚未清楚當前疫情何時會轉好。學生、家長和老師的健康和安全是我們的重要考慮,學校董事會決定本學年的上學期繼續在網上學習。我們的目標是在安全的情況下在下學期恢復面對面教學。


我代表博愛歡迎所有的舊生和新加入的學生和家長們,十分感謝你們對博愛的信任和支持! 我們會竭盡所能,盡心丶盡意 和盡力的做到更好。

今年博愛中文學校的開課日期為九月十一日星期六,希望大家都能收拾心情來迎接新一年的挑戰, 就讓我們一同努力吧!

在這個新的學年,博愛中文學校會有一些新的做法和改變,祈盼家長和學生們一如既往的全力支持。 以下附上新學年度開學須知及細節,教務和註冊組通訊等,敬請各位新舊生及家長務必詳細閱讀。稍後我們將會通知有關教科書分發的詳情敬請留意。

有關其他資訊,請大家瀏覽博愛網頁(。 如有疑問,請電郵至bcs_board@yahoo.com查詢。



BCS Continues Online Learning 博愛延續線上授課

Due to the uncertainty of the pandemic, BCS will start the 1st semester of 2021-22 school year with online learning, and we are targeting to re-open for in-person learning in the 2nd semester if it is safe to do so.
由於疫情的不穩定,博愛將在 2021-22 學年的上學期在線上授課,我們的目標是在安全的情況下在下學期重新開放面對面學習。

粵語會語班 Cantonese Conversation

課程編號: CC
課程名稱: 粵語會話
Class Location:   Morrill Middle School
Class Time:         11:45am – 12:45pm
Cost:                    $190  (with Language class registration)
For Kindergarten to 2nd grade Cantonese class students.  Main purpose of this course is to develop students in Listening and Speaking of Cantonese. Using fun small group activities and songs to teach students simple practical Cantonese conversations they can use in daily life. Allow students to have more opportunities practicing dialogue in Cantonese, and to practice correct pronunciation. Class size is limited to between 10 and 16 students.
Students must be able to understand basic Cantonese instruction.
School will base on the number of registered students and their Cantonese level to decide on the acceptance priority for this class.
Please use the link below to register:
– Select “P to 2nd grade – Morrill Campus”
– Select Other: put “Cantonese Conversation”
To complete the registration, please pay tuition at the Morrill MPR on first day of school between 9:30am-11:00am. 
Free feel to email us if you have questions.
主要對象為幼稚園至二年級粵語班學生。旨在給予學生們多點聆聽和練習粵語的機會。以輕鬆方式教導學生簡單的日常生活粵話會話。盡量讓同學們在小組遊戲和歌唱中得到多些用粵話對話的練習機會, 以及矯正學生的粵語發音.  限制每班大約在10至16人。學生須能聽及明白簡單粵語.
– 選擇  “P to 2nd grade – Morrill Campus”
– 選擇  Other: put “Cantonese Conversation”
填妥後請在開學日上午9:30至11:00在Morrill MPR付款。

新國語會話班 New Mandarin Conversation Class

課程編號: MC
課程名稱: 國語會話
授課時間: 11:45am – 12:45pm
授課地點: Sierramont Middle School

如有興趣報讀的, 請在”2019-2020 舊生文化班註冊單“上填寫代號 “MC”. 填妥後和語文班註冊單一併在三月九日交回.
Class Code: MC
Class Name: Mandarin Conversation
Class Time: 11:45am – 12:45pm
Location: Sierramont Middle School
For 3rd to 5th grade, non-Mandarin class students.  Main purpose of this course is to develop students in Listening and Speaking of Mandarin. Using fun activities to teach students simple Mandarin conversations they use in daily life. Allow students to have more opportunities practicing dialogue in Mandarin. Class size is limited between 10 to 15 students.
No prior experience in Mandarin is required. Students will be grouped based on their Mandarin level.
School will base on the number of registered students and their Mandarin level to decide on the acceptance priority for this class.