Morril 校區辦公室 Hangout 開張

在 Morril 校區,許多家長跟年幼的小朋友坐在教室裏陪讀,一些老師也不反對。但也有些老師認為,沒有家長坐在課室裏,小朋友才能專心學習。往年,有些家長選擇留在校區,在休息時間還可以照應一下小朋友。
在我們學校辦公室,鑒於家長們的需求,在去年雨季之前,開放讓家長來 Hang out。辦公室內除了有準備熱騰騰的茶水和咖啡,還有糕點和麵包。當然,我們更歡迎小朋友們在休息時間跑過來享用可口的甜點,填充一下他們小小的肚子,看著他們帶著滿臉的笑臉走回教室。
家長們在這裡 Hang out,除了可以跟其他家長互相交流和分享新知,也可以在此了解博愛中文學校近期的學術和活動。目前我們也在招集一些家長幫手,希望能把這個 Hangout 傳承到未來的每一年。
* 每三個月在 Morril 辦公室有校務會議,到時,家長和小朋友請輕聲,拿完甜點之後,請移步到辦公室外頭閒聊。
All parents are invited to come to hang out in our BCS Morril Office when your children are in class. Hot tea and coffee, as well as some bakery items will be set up before the recess time 10:00 am. Children and parents are welcome to enjoy them during recess. If parents would like to help out preparing food and tea/coffee items, please come to the office before 9:15 am. ** Please be reminded that the board meeting is being held in the office once every 3 months, please keep your voices low on that day.