校長的話 ~ 10-25-2014 方兆鴻


今天是一年一度的秋季園遊會,不但有美食及遊戲攤位,也有萬聖節裝扮比賽,當然絕對少不了的是拔河大賽。去年家長義工團未能在拔河比賽戰勝學生大軍,今年每位義工都充滿鬥志,決意要打破去年的紀錄,當然學生大軍集結的力量是絕對不能看輕的,看來這場龍争虎,一定會十分精彩!您千萬不能錯過! 請在今天下課後到Sierramont 參加園遊會,祝您有個愉快的週末!  

Thank you very much to all the parents, this means YOU, who perform as the crossing guards and campus patrols every week. Safety is the highest priority in our daily operation. Your taking up of this responsibility is essential to maintain the safety on campus. What you do helps me and all the parents to feel more comfortable when we bring our children to BCS every week. Again, on behave of all the parents, we are grateful to your help.

We are hosting the Fall Carnival today. Not only will there be gourmet food and carnival games, we will also have a Halloween costume parade. Our tradition tug-of-war between the parent volunteers and students is highly anticipated by everyone. Which side will win this year? the parents? or the students? Please join us at Sierramont after school today and witness this fun event!